Adrian Avena

Adrian Avena, aka “Jersey Boy”, was born and raised in New Jersey. His love for fishing came when his father took him panfishing. Sitting by his father’s side, they would patiently watch for the bobber to “tic”. It didn’t matter if it was 5 minutes or 20 minutes, every tic made his heart jump wondering what on earth could be at the end of his line. Fishing today is no different for him. Every “tic” of his worm, every thud of his jig, and every time his crank bait rod loads up is the moments he lives for.
Adrian pursued his dream starting on the FLW Tour for four years, and then competed on the Bassmaster Elite Series for three years (2016-2018). In 2019, he started competing on the Major League Fishing Bass Pro Tour.
In the offseason, Adrian is passionate about saltwater fishing, commercial conch fishing, home improvement, and spending time with his wife, family, and friends.

“I consider myself a hands on, jack of all trades, kind of guy that has always been fabricating different mounts over my career. Once I saw the Boatlogix mount, I had to try it. After adding them on my boat, it is superior to all of the other mounts I have used in the past. I am excited to use them for the 2022 season”– Adrian Avena

Special Information :

If you come to southern NJ, be sure to check out my saltwater charter business, Jersey Boy Charters located in Cape May, NJ

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